01604 810063


North Street, Mears Ashby,
Northamptonshire, NN6 0DW

At Mears Ashby CE Primary School we believe that children learn best in maths when concepts are broken down in to small, manageable steps. We teach using a method that first uses concrete resources to demonstrate a concept, followed by pictorial representations and finally in a more abstract way (known as the CPA approach).  The school use the White Rose Maths Hub Scheme of Work in order to achieve this. 

Note that our Calculation Policies set out for each year group the concrete, pictoral and abstract methods we teach for each of the four calculations:



Key instant recall facts (KIRFS) are designed to support the development of key arithmetic skills which underpin much of the maths learning at school. Supporting your child(ren) in learning these facts and being able to recall them quickly will help enormously with progression in maths.
Please find the KIRF for this term for your child(ren) above.