01604 810063


North Street, Mears Ashby,
Northamptonshire, NN6 0DW

Any parents that wish to receive a paper copy of any of the policies below, please ask at the office and we will be happy to provide you with a hard copy.

General Policies

Title Description Download
pdf Acceptable Use Policy Download Preview
pdf Accessibility Plan 2023 Download Preview
pdf Allegations Concerns Policy - September 2023 Download Preview
pdf Anti-bullying Policy Download Preview
pdf Attendance Policy 2023 Download Preview
pdf Attendance Policy - Appendix A MAPS 2023 Download Preview
pdf Behaviour Policy including Principles Download Preview
pdf Charging and Remissions Policy 2021 Download Preview
pdf Clarification & Guidance on Acceptable Use Policy Download Preview
pdf Combined Data Protection & FOI Policy Download Preview
pdf Complaints Policy and Procedure Sept 22 Download Preview
pdf Data Protection and Data Subject Rights Policy Download Preview
pdf Exclusions Policy Download Preview
pdf Feedback Policy Download Preview
pdf Gifts & Hospitality Download Preview
pdf Homework Policy 2023 Download Preview
pdf Supporting Pupils with Medical Conditions Policy - final November 2022 MAPS Download Preview
pdf Trust Level Risk Assessment Download Preview
pdf Physical Intervention Policy - final - Feb 2022 Download Preview
pdf Privacy Notice (Parents) Download Preview
pdf Privacy Notice (Pupils) Download Preview
pdf Privacy Notice (Staff) Download Preview
pdf Privacy Notice (Visitors) Download Preview
pdf Privacy Notice (Volunteers) Download Preview
pdf Prevention of Radicalisation and Extremism Policy Download Preview
pdf Records Retention and Deletion Policy Download Preview
pdf Relationships and Sex Health Education Policy Download Preview
pdf Religious Education Policy Download Preview
pdf Safeguarding Policy - January 2024 Download Preview
pdf Safeguarding Policy MAPS specific Download Preview
pdf Trust Health and Safety Policy 04 10 22 Download Preview
pdf Whistleblowing Policy Download Preview
pdf Special Education Needs and Disability (SEND) Policy Jan 24 Download Preview

 RE and Collective Worship Policies